Focus on healthy living

This a 9-week program designed to empower immigrant and minority women to prioritize their health and well-being, both mentally and physically. Each week of the program focuses on a different aspect of health, providing participants with valuable information, resources, and support to improve their overall wellness.

Wednesdays from 1-3 pm at 645 Westmount Rd E, Kitchener

Week 1: Mental Health Matters

Guest Speaker: Mental Health Professional

Topics: Understanding stress, anxiety, and depression; coping mechanisms and self-care practices.

Week 2: Physical Health & Nutrition

Guest Speaker: Nutritionist or Fitness Instructor

Topics: Importance of physical activity and nutrition; practical tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Week 3: Financial Fitness

Guest Speaker: Financial Advisor or Budgeting Expert

Topics: Budgeting basics, saving strategies, and financial empowerment for women.

Week 4: Physical Health and Navigating our Health Care System

Guest Speaker: Doctor, Nurse

Topics: Exploring preventative health care and how to fully access the benefits of our health care system.

Week 5: Cultural Connections

Guest Speaker: Community Leader or Cultural Expert

Topics: Embracing cultural identity, navigating cultural challenges, and building a sense of belonging.

Week 6: Healthy Relationships

Guest Speaker: Relationship Counsellor or Social Worker

Topics: Communication skills, boundaries, and fostering healthy relationships.

Week 7: Self-Care and Self-Love

Guest Speaker: Wellness Coach or Self-Care Expert

Topics: Importance of self-care, setting boundaries, and cultivating self-love.

Week 8: More Healthy Lifestyle Skills

Week 9: Celebration and Reflection

Wrap-Up Session: Reflecting on progress and achievements; celebrating successes; setting goals for the future.

Throughout the program, participants will have the opportunity to engage with guest speakers, ask questions, and share their experiences in a supportive and inclusive environment. By the end of the series, participants will have gained valuable knowledge and skills to prioritize their health and well-being, create meaningful connections with fellow participants, and take positive steps towards improving their lives.

This program aims to create a bond of support between immigrant and minority women, empowering them to lead healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives. Together, we can build a stronger, healthier community one woman at a time.

For more information or with any questions please email 

ورشة عمل مجانية تشمل:

  • أهمية الصحة النفسية
  • الصحة البدنية والتغذية
  • اللياقة المالية
  • كيفية التنقل في نظام الرعاية الصحية
  • العلاقات الصحية
  • الروابط الثقافية
  • العناية بالنفس وحب الذات


التركيز على الحياة الصحية
من 25 سبتمبر إلى 13 نوفمبر
الأربعاء من 1 إلى 3 مساءً
645 Westmount Rd E,



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