Generous New Grants Provided

We are pleased and honored to announce that we have been successful in obtaining a generous grant for our Focus on Technology (FoTech) program from Kitchener Waterloo Community Foundation for Fall 2019 !! We received $10,000 from the Community Fund, $600 from the Greater KW Chamber of Commerce – Corporate Challenge Fund and additional $2,000 from the Landmann Family Fund.

We are confident that with these funds (total sum of $12,600) our FoTech program will continue to expand and grow to reach more areas and assist women crossing the bridge to learning fundamental technology skills. The grants will support our organization to continue teaching computer skills to visible minority and immigrant women.

This is a vulnerable segment of our society. Our program provides the computer skills that are vital for them in today’s digital world. It also provides an opportunity to network with others, reduces isolation and assists them with their integration into our communities. Our goal is to teach digital literacy to women to improve their employability and social inclusion.

Each course will have 12 hands-on sessions. Through our workshops, we will provide basic computer literacy, digital tools to search for jobs, specific topics of interest, familiarity with bus routes, self-learning opportunities, google translate, social media and internet security, among other topics.

We have successfully completed the first 12-week course at Chandler Mowat Community Centre, where nine ladies graduated! The second course with additional advanced topics will start on January 8, 2020 at the same location. Details are being worked out to offer it in the spring at different locations.

Our Supporters

Kitchener Waterloo Community Foundation (KWCF) recognizes the need to support this vulnerable population as it aligns with their mission and our mandate! Please visit KWCF.


Picture of Our Mission

Our Mission

To support women in the Waterloo Region by providing a nurturing, culturally sensitive environment that builds self-esteem, social networks, employment related skills and connections to meaningful employment.